As you probably know, today is the last day of Vegan MOFO. I'm having mixed emotions about wrapping things up. Vegan MOFO got me motivated to get back to what I love-creating new dishes. I really loved the iron chef challenges. It seems like everyone else did too. It has been suggested that iron chef continue and I really hope it does. I look forward to making some crazy ass food spontaneously.
This month got me thinking about what this blog should become. I'm hoping in the future it will develop into a fun and non-threatening place for aspiring vegetarians and vegans to come for information on different ingredients and how to use them. I am also hoping it will keep me creating. My hope is to start developing tasty, workable recipes that might someday form into a cookbook or 'zine. This is a pipe dream with my current crazy schedule, but you never know what the future will bring.
This brings me to the crazy schedule thing. I entered 28 posts this month. That was no easy task. Sometimes it made me feel stressed out. I actually got in a tiff with Fred about how much time I was spending on my blog. That said, I will still continue to blog, but not at near the pace I did this month. I'm sure I am not the only one on the forums that is very busy. This year I am working, going to school, planning an annual breast cancer hike, and planning my wedding. Daily blogging just won't fit into that craziness. But this month has made me realize how much I like sharing my ideas and thoughts about food. It has made me remember I have a blog and need to use it more. For that I thank you Vegan MOFO!
I must thank all of you who have commented and enjoyed the blog this month. You really made it worthwhile. Hopefully you tried and enjoyed some of the original recipes. Check in periodically, there will be more. Until we blog again....Bon Apetit
Good MoFo'ing and well done!
I'm taking a break from blogging for a few days - I think we all deserve it! Some MoFo'ers are participating in NabPoMo (or something like that!!) where they have to blog every day throughout November!!
I thinks they's mad so I do!
Glad to have found your blog - I will check back often.
Thanks Jeni! I haven't had much time to check out other blogs because I have been so darn busy. I can't wait to have time. The ones I have checked out are pretty amazing. Thanks for visiting mine. It really kept me motivated.
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