Born December 13, 2000
Over the Bridge May 2, 2009
I usually reserve this blog for vegan food related entries, but I felt I needed to post this.
Georgee came into my life at 6 weeks old when we weren't quite ready for each other yet. He was full of piss and vinegar from the start. He wouldn't sleep for more than two hours at a time. When he was awake, he wasn't a mushy gushy fluff ball. Oh no, he had way too much spirit for that. He would bite and fight until he was exhuasted. His serious cuteness allowed him to survive these horrible puppy years. In those days he loved to dig up plants, eat carpeting, and look right at me and pee as if to let me know HE would decide when he was ready to stop trashing the carpet and when potty training would be complete. He would learn a command almost instantly, and then defiantly ignore silly human requests to do them on command. Typical Akita defiance was part of what made him such an incredible spirit.
As Georgee grew into a young man, he became the most wonderful companion I could have ever hoped for. He was very independent and aloof, as Akitas can be, but he was also goofy, loving, and incredibly intellegent. As a young man, he had a serious obsession with running through the sprinklers and going right to the muddy lake at the dog park. He would sit patiently as we de-mudded him with the hose when we got home (obviously the joy of the mud bath was worth the real bath).
He would "woo woo" to greet you when you walked in the door (if you were lucky enough to be one of his special humans). He rarely woke you up, but waited for you to acknowledge his kingly presence before gracing you with a morning "woo woo". This has been the hardest part for Fred and I so far. We both fall apart when we get up or come home and it is so quiet. He filled our lives with joy and fun. There is a huge gaping hole in our hearts and our home without him.
Georgee loved his furry buddies, Duval and Henry, who passed over the bridge before him. They taught him how to be a good dog and where the best spots to pee in the yard were. He was extremely patient and understanding of other rowdy beasts. His girlfriend Piper loved to fight with him and bite his back legs. Instead of chasing her off or clobbering her when it got to be too much, he would just sit down so she couldn't get to his legs. He would act all tough, but never, ever, hurt her. Their love for each other was unconditional, as was his love for everyone.
He developed wonderful manners but still kept that little sparkle of naughtiness throughout his whole life. You could never stay mad at him long even if he did eat your last stick of butter off the counter. You see, it was at nose height, you certainly left if for him to snack on, didn't you? Just last week, Fred came home and found that Georgee had found yet another delicacy; a small piece of garlic bread in the center of a balled up piece of aluminum foil. To Fred's amazement, somehow Georgee had unwrapped the entire ball, ate the bread, and neatly licked all of the foil into nice flat pieces all over the floor.
Fred and Georgee liked to keep some of this nauty behavior their little secret. They developed a very deep special relationship that was one to be envied. You know you've found a good man when your dog falls completely in love with him. Georgee knew Fred was special and that he had a very soft spot in his heart for those of the canine persuasion. Georgee knew how to work Fred. He'd stroll over to Fred and rub his head all over his lap. He'd look at him with those deep brown eyes and cock his eyebrows and Fred was a goner. This worked quite often for spontaneous rides around the neighborhood or a trip over to AJ's for treats. Georgee loved his outings with both Fred and me. He'd get all hurt if the humans that walked by him on our outings didn't say hello. Seriously, you could see his confusion. It was so funny.
We tried hiking together. He was good for about 2 miles. He'd stop, just stop, at one particular spot at South Mountain. It was easy to get him going again usually. The funniest thing ever on our hikes was that Georgee was certain that the shadow from a small stick could provide shade to his 100 lb body. He'd promptly stop at a stick certain he was going to get some cool shade. Hilarious.
Georgee was diagnosed with a very serious auto-immune disease 5 years ago. Most dogs don't survive for very long once they are diagnosed. If they do, they are usually blind within a year. With his usual defiance, Georgee beat the odds. He did so well. I was truly lucky to get all if the years with him that we had. He had lost all of the pigment in his retinas, but could still see. He was pretty darn healthy and happy until a few days ago. He wasn't himself and was in obvious discomfort. The x-rays showed a tumor on his spleen that was bleeding out. With his advanced age and auto-immune issues, it is likely he wouldn't have survived after surgery. It was with very heavy hearts but with Georgee's best interest at heart that we had to let him go. He is now free to be the big goof ball we love. He will be able to run free with his buddies Duval, Henry, Kota, and Tai with no pain and full eye sight.
To say that we are going to miss him is the biggest understatement EVER! Please forgive me if I don't answer your calls right now. I have good moments and bad. The bad moments I just can't bear to talk about it. Know that I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. When I can, I will be in touch.
I could go on and on about so many wonderful memories and stories of Georgee. If you met him, you were truly blessed and you know what a special spirit he had. It seems so unfair that he had to leave this Earth so soon. But how incredible it was to be lucky enought to have him in our lives. Please, please feel free to leave comments and your own Georgee stories here. I know he would love to hear from you.
Love Kim
I am passing back to you the poem that you sent to me when I had to say goodbye to my Abbey. Tears, tears & more tears...I know the feelings. Hang in there and know that we are thinking of you & Fred.
Love ya...Diana & Jim
Saying Good Bye
You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.
But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.
So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic that will
Once more make me whole.
The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.
That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner until the end.
Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.
You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.
So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.
Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.
And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
A memory I will stay.
I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.
I was one of the lucky ones who got to know Georgee! I must say there was never a time when I saw him that he didn't make me smile! He was the "happiest dog in the world"! I personally found his naughtiness part of his charm and always felt bad when we he got "yelled" at. Oh, the joys of being an Aunt! The loss of a pet is so incredibly difficult since they are so much a part of the joy in our daily life and a source of unconditional love. But the idea of not having known this type of love would be even more tragic. I have no doubt that Georgee is in doggy heaven and I feel very fortunate to have had his love! He was the best dog every!
I was one of the lucky ones who got to know Georgee! I must say there was never a time when I saw him that he didn't make me smile! He was the "happiest dog in the world"! I personally found his naughtiness part of his charm and always felt bad when we he got "yelled" at. Oh, the joys of being an Aunt! The loss of a pet is so incredibly difficult since they are so much a part of the joy in our daily life and a source of unconditional love. But the idea of not having known this type of love would be even more tragic. I have no doubt that Georgee is in doggy heaven and I feel very fortunate to have had his love! He was the best dog every!
As I sit here with tears running down my face....all I can say is this is the only bad part of being a pet owner. Great memories and companionship are hard to replace.
Happy Trails to you dear Georgee:)
Oh Kim...I am so sad. I am going to miss my "boyfriend" when I come to visit you guys. Georgee was truly the best and we will all miss him terribly. You and Fred were the very best Mom and Dad he could ever have asked for. Georgee was precious. This is awful, but I know you did the right thing and you are right - - he is playing like crazy now in Heaven!!!!
Love you both sooo very much.
Kimmy I'm so very sorry to hear of this loss. George was a fantastic guy - I'm so glad you had eachother for so long. What a blessing that Fred got to meet him. My heart goes out to you both.
Dear Kim & Fred,
I am so sorry to hear about Georgee. He was your pride and joy and I know how much he meant to the both of you. Have comfort in knowing that he is in a better place, out of pain and playing with his doggie friends.
God bless you both... and see you soon.
Sandi, Chuck, Collan & Connar
Here is another note from my friend and fellow dog lover Lisa.
I will never forget Georgee getting all wound up and crashing right through your screens for the huge sliding doors at your place. And how well he drank out of a water bottle on hikes. He had such a cute face and puppy attitude. You and Gary had been out with him hiking Cinco de Mayo 2001, the night I met you both. I believe that is when he just plopped down on the trail deciding the hike was over as far as he was concerned. He was such a character.
From Georgee's friend Gary
Back when Georgie was still a teenager, when I’d get ticked off about stuff, I’d think to myself ‘What would Georgie do?’, and then go chase after some birds
I am so very very sorry to hear of Georgee's passing.
I remember when Kimmie got him. Little fluff ball with the biggest brown eyes, charming everyone. He was so little i remember Kimmie bringing him to work in a crate. We'd all take turns checking in on him. He was actually quiet and good. I remember holding him in my hand. yes.. i said hand.. tiny little thing. Mouthy.. as he'd chew gently on my thumb. No No! Kimmie would say. She didn't want teeth on anyone from him. Good Mama.
As he grew, i can recall so many stories that Kimmie would bring us at work. "You're not going to believe what that little sh*t did now!" We'd all laugh as really he was quite comical and challenged his mom, every chance he'd get. And though she'd call him "a little sh*t", she'd always end her stories with a smile.. For Georgee was Kimmie's Boy!
They traveled together, hiked together and when they couldn't be together, Kimmie found him a girlfriend in Piper. He so enjoyed being with Piper and Gail's pack.
Stories.. Kimmie was baby sitting Piper at her house.. They decided it was time for new carpet.. So a big chunk was chewed out a few feet from the front door. Enough to be noticeable and far away enough from the door that a rug could not hide it.
There was another memorable time when Georgee escaped! It was very late at night, Kimmie and his favorite Uncle Gary had gone out. After returning home, Georgee thought it'd be a great time for excercise as he took off like lightning out of his gate and tore through the neighborhood with Gary and Kimmie in tow.
He had a way of keeping you on your toes! =)
Should we all understand, give and receive the love that Kimmie shared with Georgee. What he got, he returned ten fold to everyone.
Our world is a better place for souls like his.
Thank you, Georgee for being the companion to Kimmie and friend to many.
Oh my gosh what a dork am i??
Forgot to add to my post.. NAMING THE LAD!
Kimmie and I wracked our brains trying to think of a name for Georgee. He looked like a George.. but she added Kawaii to his name.. (pronounced almost like Hawaii).. Kawaii meaning cute in japanese! =)
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